Remote Commands

Reduce On-site IT Costs

Reduce your IT costs and better manage your enterprise with Trio. This feature enables you to:

Launch Activity

Connect with any platform for effortless data synchronization and efficient employee administration.

Launch Service

Convert devices into secure kiosks, limiting access to specific applications and guaranteeing focused and controlled user experiences.

Send Broadcast

Enhance data security and privacy by isolating company resources, preventing unauthorized transfers on personal devices.

Install Files

Automate the deployment of applications, ensure security, and simplify IT operations for better control across your enterprise.

Delete Files

Have complete control over your business with our policy enforcement, managing devices and user access with ease and security.

Launch File

Protect your data with our robust data loss prevention measures, ensuring the integrity and safety of your organization's information.

Why Remote Commands?

Revolutionize your IT management with Trio's Remote Commands!

  • Deploy remote commands and instantly view outputs without interruption.
  • Increase the productivity of your team.
  • Minimize unnecessary expenses.
  • Save time spent on managing devices on-site.
  • Efficiently handle unattended devices such like Kiosks.

Trio A Powerful Tool
for IT Pros